Mia Yim vs. Dakota Kai
Yim dropkicks Kai. Yim tosses Kai around the ring. Basement dropkick by Yim. Kai kicks out. Yim sends Kai into the steps. Yim hits a cannonball into the steps. After the break, Kai lands a head kick for a near fall. Yim leg-DDTs Kai. Overhead belly-to-belly by Yim. Kai kicks out. Yim lands the Code Blue for a near fall. Kai responds with a powerbomb. Kai misses a running boot in the corner. Yim German suplexes Kai. Kai kicks out. Yim lands a modified code breaker. Kai falls out of the ring. Kai takes the turnbuckle cover off. Kai sends Yim into the exposed turnbuckle. Kai rolls up Yim for the win.
Winner- Dakota Kai
After the match, Yim attacks Kai. Yim back suplexes Kai off the staging area through a table.