Mia Yim vs. Vanessa Borne w/Aliyah
Borne kicks Yim in the gut. Borne locks in a side headlock. Yim reverses it into a side headlock of her own. Yim hits the ropes but Aliyah trips Yim. Borne hits a Samoan drop. Borne slaps a lower sticker on Yim’s butt. Yim fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. Cannonball by Yim. Yim drops Borne with Protect Your Neck for the win.
Winner- Mia Yim
Shayna Baszler walks out on the stage. Baszler calls Yim a badass. Baszler tells Yim they don’t have to be enemies. Yim can stand beside her. Duke and Shafir flank Yim. Baszler asks Yim to join them. Yim attacks Duke. Baszler, Shafir viciously attack Yim. Referees break it up.