United States Championship Match: Riddle (c) vs. Mustafa Ali w/Retribution
Riddle lands a kick that sends Ali flying through the ropes. Riddle follows Ali. Ali trips Riddle into the announce desk. As Riddle slides into the ring to break the count, Ali kicks Riddle in the face. Ali hits a swinging neck breaker off the apron. After the break, Ali continues working over Riddle. Riddle fires up and hits a suplex followed by a broton. Riddle gets a near fall after the blackout. Ali blocks the Final Flash and hits a wheel kick. T-Bar gets on the apron as Riddle rolls up Ali. Ali reverses it but the referee is still caught up with T-Bar. Riddle picks Ali up and hits BroDerek for the win.
Winner and STILL United State Champion, Riddle!