Knockouts Title Match: Gail Kim vs Jade
Gail comes in and goes right after Jade as soon as the match started. Gail with various of attacks on Jade, but Jade counter Gail and hits a gutbuster. Jade with a series of strikes in the corner and a clothesline. Jade with a series of kicks to the chest, before slamming her down to the mat with her foot. Gail gains offense and slides out of the ring and apply a figure four lock around the ringpost. They head back in and Jade catches Gail with a kick to the head and ties her up in a Muta lock. Gail escapes and Jade quickly applies a Fujiwara armbar and yells at Gail that she’s better than her. Gail escapes with a headscissors, but Jade remains in control and tries for a missile dropkick, but Gail dodges and Jade hits hard. Gail mounts a comeback and hits a Stinger splash and a neckbreaker for a 2. Gail goes for Eat dafeet, but Jade escapes and hits a bridging German suplex for a 2. Jade goes for the package piledriver, Gail blocks and catches Jade with a back kick, then goes to the top. She hits a crossbody, Jade rolls through and cradles Gail, but Gail reverses back and cradles Jade for the win.