Gail Kim & Madison Rayne vs Jade and Marti Bell
Gail and Madison comes to the ring but Jade and Marti get an early advantage on Gail and Madison. Jade with a middle rope dive through the second rope. Marti inside the ring with a Samoan drop on Gail. Jade tags in and continues the attack before she counters Gail’s flying armbar into a gutbuster. Marti tags back in and stomps Gail in the corner. Jade back in, boots Madison off the apron, and Marti and Jade do a double team move before Jade goes for a package piledriver. Gail counters and knocks Jade down with a clothesline. Tag to Madison, and she take down Marti and hits the sitout DDT for 2. Rebel and Gail are going at it on the floor, Gail dodge Jade flying dive with a forearm and Madison reverses Marti roll up into another roll up for the win.
After the match The Dollhouse attacks Gail and Madison from behind, but Velvet Sky runs in and clears the ring out by herself. She says she’s tired of the “Doghouse” sticking their ugly noses in their business, and challenges them to a first time ever Knockouts Lethal Lockdown.