Keith Lee and Mia Yim vs. Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae
An argument breaks out. Yim gets in Gargano’s face. LeRae gets in Lee’s face. Lee picks up LeRae by her waist and moves her out of the way. Gargano attacks Lee. Gargano and LeRae both try rannas. Lee and Yim both put on the breaks and hit the good old AOP supercollider on LeRae and Yim. Gargano and LeRae retreat to the outside. Lee holds LeRae and Gargano in place as Yim attempts a dive. Gargano and LeRae move out of the way but Lee catches Yim. Yim and Lee both hit snake eyes on the ring apron to LeRae and Gargano. After the break, LeRae has Yim in a straightjacket. Yim fights out of the hold but before Yim can reach Lee, LeRae cuts her off. LeRae pounds on Yim in the corner. Yim drops LeRae with Sole Food.
Yim tags in Lee. Lee runs over Gargano. Grizzly magnum by Lee. Lee tosses Gargano clear across the ring. LeRae manages to get the tag. Lee picks up both LeRae and Gargano. LeRae pokes Lee in the eye. Lee drops Gargano. Gargano kicks Lee in the head which allows LeRae to DDT Lee. Yim tackles LeRae. Yim dragon suplexes LeRae. Gargano hits the ring. Yim unloads on Gargano. Yim German suplexes LeRae and Gargano. LeRae hits Sole Food on Yim! LeRae lands her springboard moonsault. Yim kicks out. Yim tries to Dragon suplex LeRae out of the ring. Lee pounces Gargano into LeRae, which knocks Yim off the apron. As Lee checks on Yim, Gargano superkicks Lee. Gargano hits Lee with his slingshot DDT, but Lee lands on LeRae. Lee picks up LeRae bc she is out cold, presumably to get her medical attention. Gargano rolls up Lee in the confusion and gets the three count. LeRae is literally tossed out of the ring in the process.
Winners- Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae
Shotzi Blackheart, Tegan Nox, and Mia Yim vs. Dakota Kai, Raquel Gonzalez, and Candice LeRae
LeRae gets in the ring to start the match. Yim wants a piece of LeRae, so naturally, LeRae tags I n Gonzalez. Gonzalez almost suplexes Yim but Yim escapes. Nox tags in and gets run over by Gonzalez. Kai tags. Nox almost lands a chokeslam, but Kai escapes. Kai rolls up Nox. Nox kicks out. Nox sends Kai into the corner. Nox flattens Kai with her patented running cannonball. Blackheart tags in and eats a scorpion kick from Kai. Blackheart kicks out. LeRae misses a senton. LeRae gets knocked to the outside by Blackheart. Everyone lands a dive, capped off by a Molly Go Round off the top to the outside by Nox. Nox takes everyone out in the process.
Blackheart takes LeRae down with a meteora off the top. LeRae kicks out. Blackheart puts LeRae in cattle Mutilation. LeRae breaks up the submission with a boot to Blackhearts gut. Kai and Co take turns working over Blackheart. Blackheart manages to tag in Yim. Yim unloads on LeRae. Yim dragon suplexes LeRae for a near fall. LeRae counters Sole Food with a capture suplex. Nox tags in as Gonzalez does. Nox runs into a powerbomb by Gonzalez. Yim breaks up the pin. Gonzalez sends Yim to the outside. Yim and LeRae fight into the back. Back in the ring, Kai accidentally boots Gonzalez in the face. Nox chokeslams Kai. Blackheart (with an assist from Nox) lands Sliced Bread #2 on Gonzalez. Nox blasts Kai with the Shiniest Wizard for the win.
Winners- Shotzi Blackheart, Tegan Nox, and Mia Yim
North American Championship Match: Keith Lee (c) vs. Johnny Gargano
Gargano puts the key to the In Your House door in his trunks. Gargano runs around trying to avoid Lee. Gargano tries a diver but Lee catches him. Lee tries to powerbomb Gargano but Gargano hops onto the apron. Superkick by Gargano. Gargano tries a senton off the apron. Lee catches Gargano again. Gargano pokes Lee in the eye. Gargano tries to kick the steps into Lee’s hand. Lee avoids it. Gargano tries to leave but the door to the In Your House set is locked. Lee slams Gargano’s head into the door. Grizzly Magnum by Lee. Lee tosses Gargano down the ramp. As Lee is getting into the ring, Gargano meets him with a stomp. Gargano tries to work over Lee’s previously injured hand. Lee punches Gargano with his bad hand. Lee clutches as his hand. Gargano stomps on Lee’s hand. Gargano traps Lee in the corner.
Gargano goes after Lee’s eye again. Gargano kicks Lee in the face. Gargano works over Lee. Gargano tries a spear but Lee clubs him out of the air. Lee and Gargano trade strikes. Gargano arm Barr. Lee tries to power out of it but Gargano goes after Lee’s Injured hand. Lee powers through and powerbombs Gargano down to the mat. Gargano superkicks Lee. Lee slams Gargano. Gargano rolls out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Gargano dives through the ropes and drops Lee with a DDT. Lee is out on the floor. Gargano can’t lift Lee back into the ring. The referee almost counts them both out but Gargano breaks the count. Gargano rolls back to the outside. Lee pounces Gargano through the plexiglass attached to the barricade. Gargano lands in the crowd.
Lee carries Gargano back to the ring. LeRae runs down to the ring but Yim is right behind her. Yim beats the crap out of LeRae. In the confusion, Gargano stabs Lee in the eye with the key. Gargano hits the slingshot DDT. Lee kicks out. Gargano kicks Lee in the head over and over again but Lee keeps kicking out. Lee grabs Gargano by the throat and hits the Spirit Bomb. Lee grabs Gargano and powerbombs him again. Lee finally puts Gargano down with the Big Bang Catastrophe for the win.
Winner and STILL North American Champion, Keith Lee!
Mia Yim vs. Candice LeRae
LeRae gets in Yim’s face. As soon as the bell rings Yim runs over LeRae with a shoulder block. Spinal tap by Yim. LeRae rolls out to the apron. LeRae chokes Yim on the top rope. Yim pulls LeRae into the ring. LeRae lands a step-up senton. LeRae hits two more step-up sentons. LeRae works over Yim’s back. Yim trips LeRae into the corner. Yim crushes LeRae with a cannonball in the corner. LeRae beats Yim into the corner. Yim blast LeRae in the face with a stiff back elbow. LeRae falls to the outside. Yim wheelbarrows LeRae into the barricade. Yim and LeRae continue to fight outside. The referee counts both women out.
Double count-out
After the match, LeRae head scissors Yim into the ‘Tron. Tegan Nox pulls LeRae off of Yim. Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalaz attack Yim. Shotzi BlackHeart tries to make the save. Johnny Gargano and Keith Lee both hit the ring. It’s announced over the PA that William Regal has made this a mixed tag team match.
Johnny Gargano vs. Adrian Alanis
Gargano attacks Alanis after a handshake. Alanis fights back but walks right into a superkick by Gargano. Gargano puts Alanis in the Gargano escape. Alanis taps out.
Winner- Johnny Gargano
On the video screen, Mia Yim are having dinner together. Yim calls the Gargano’s fake like the ugly centerpiece. Yim grabs a flashlight and the Gargano-speak sound and screen effect turns on. Yim calls LeRae a useless Pixy who has been in NXT for 25 years with no titles to show for it. Lee asks Yim what the hell that was. Yim gives Lee the flashlight and tells him to do the same thing. Lee turns to the screen and says the only person Gargano has anything in common with is his action figures since they are the same height. Lee asks what’s for dinner.
Yim says she made what LeRae usually does… take out. The is a knock at the door and Tegan Nox delivers a half-eaten pizza. Yim says it’s not about the Gargano way it’s about making them pay.
Mia Yim vs. Santana Garrett
Yim and Garrett have a strike exchange that ends with a stalemate. Yim tries to shake Garrett’s hand but Garrett attacks. Garrett lands a handspring elbow in the corner. Yim responds with Kawada kicks followed by Protect Your Neck for the win.
Winner- Mia Yim
After the match, Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae walk out on the ramp. Gargano mocks Yim’s theme song. LeRae says Yim lost to Flair because she is too busy being worried about the fans. Gargano says they are going to show Yim what happens in “their” NXT when someone gets an opportunity they don’t deserve. Gargano charges the ring but Yim kicks him in the head. LeRae and Yim fight. Gargano pulls down the rope as LeRae pushes Yim. Yim falls to the outside. Keith Lee makes the save. LeRae and Gargano runway.