TNA IMPACT Wrestling Results – June 17th, 2015
TNA IMPACT Wrestling Results – June 17th, 2015
  June 18th, 2015    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

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The Dollhouse (Jade & Marti Bell) vs. Awesome Kong & Brooke

The Dollhouse is out first with Taryn Terrell. Brooke is out next but before she can get in the ring Jade and Marti start attacking Brooke. Awesome Kong is out next and begins attacking both Marti and Jade. Kong roll Jade in the ring and smash her in the corner. Brooke tags in and tries to fight back as Jade nails a Roll ‘n Slice for a two. Jade and Marti double team Brooke in the corner, pulling her hair and choking her with the middle rope. Marti goes for a suplex and covers for a two.

Jade tags back in and Brooke with strikes but Jade takes her down with a kick and leg drop. Jade scoopslam Brooke and goes for a moonsalt but misses. Brooke tag in Kong and immediately clothesline Marti and slams her. Kong goes for Kong buster but Jade drop kicks her. A double suplex attempted by The Dollhouse, but Kong is able to suplex them both. Marti with a kick in the corner and tries to attack off the middle rope but Kong catches her and Chokeslam Marti. Brooke tags in and hits an elbow drop off Kong’s shoulders for the win.

Related links: TNA Related > Digitals > TNA Impact > 2015 > June 17th, 2015

Screen Captures > TNA Impact Wrestling > 2015 > June 17th, 2015

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 TNA IMPACT Wrestling Results – June 10th, 2015
TNA IMPACT Wrestling Results – June 10th, 2015
  June 11th, 2015    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

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Back off of commercial The Dollhouse and Taryn Terrell put out the challenge to Awesome Kong, who says she will put the TNA Knockouts Championship on the line only if Kong agrees to a Lingerie Pillow Fight. Will Kong accept to get her hands on the gold?

Lingerie Pillow Fight Match for the TNA Knockouts Championship – Awesome Kong vs. Taryn Terrell (w/Jade & Marti Bell)

Taryn Terrell comes to ring with Jade and Marti to hype the upcoming match, however Awesome Kong comes out in her wrestling gear, which gets the Dollhouse upset. Before the match can start, Kong takes out Marti and Jade on the outside of the ring and fights to the backstage area. When Taryn asks to be announced the winner, Brooke comes to the ring to confront her about her actions. After trading some words back and forth, Brooke attacks Taryn in the ring. Brooke snatch Taryn’s robe off and she runs off as Brooke puts Taryn’s championship reign on notice.

Related Links: TNA Related > Digitals > TNA Impact Wrestling > 2015 > June 10th, 2015

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 TNA International IMPACT Results – May 22nd, 2015
TNA International IMPACT Results – May 22nd, 2015
  June 10th, 2015    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

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Marti Bell (w/Jade) vs Rebel

Rebel makes her way to the ring first followed by Jade and Marti Bell. The Dollhouse enter the ring and Marti asks for a mic. She begins welcoming Rebel to The Dollhouse and assures it can still be playtime despite the presence of their leader Taryn Terrell. Marti then offers a proposition for Rebel. Should she want to leave this match in one piece, all Rebel has to do is admit that “The Dollhouse are the best”. 

Jade then goes on to say if she doesn’t she was going to rip those pretty lips right off her face. Rebel takes the mic from Marti and says “The Dollhouse” in a low tone. The Dollhouse didn’t like the sound of it and demanded that she say it again. Rebel starts to say it again but instead says the “Skank House” and follows up with a right forearm to both members of the Dollhouse. Marti goes for a clothesline but Rebel ducks out the way, hits a kick to the midsection and follows up with an axe kick to Marti’s back.

Jade tries to interfere, Rebel scare her off the ring apron. Marti tries to take advantage of the distracted Rebel with a charge in attack but Rebel manages to sidestep out the way leaving Marti to crash to the outside. Jade catches her from the outside but Rebel to take them out with a baseball slide knocking Jade and Marti out. Rebel tries to keep control of the match, Marti fights back and looks to pull out a chair from under the ring. Earl Hebner tries to stop Marti while Jade runs Rebel into the apron and hits her with chops to the chest before sitting on the ring apron and giving a high five to Marti.

Marti goes for the cover but Rebel kicks. Rebel tried to gain some offense but is taken down by Marti and put in a choke hold. Marti with a clothesline but Rebel manages surprise Marti with a inside cradle for a two. Both Knockouts get back to their feet, Rebel regains control of the match hitting Marti with another kick to the midsection and follows up with a full body slam onto the mat.

Rebel pulls out a cartwheel, trapping Marti head with her legs and smashing Marti into her rear end. Marti falls backwards into the corner and Rebel land a high roundhouse kick to Marti. Rebel goes for the pin but Marti kick out. Jade tries to interfere again but Rebel manages to knock her off the ring apron with a forearm. Rebel tries to go for a second roundhouse kick but misses. Marti capitalizes and hit Rebel with a reverse neck breaker for the three count.


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 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – June 3rd, 2015
TNA Impact Wrestling Results – June 3rd, 2015
  June 4th, 2015    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

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Backstage segment in Dollhouse’s bedroom where they share a laugh over what they did to Gail Kim in the Steel Cage Match last week, and Taryn Terrell says that she’s going to put the X in Destination X next week when she defend her championship against Awesome Kong.

Jade (w/Marti Bell) vs Brooke

Jade charges to the corner but Brooke gets a schoolgirl for a quick two count. Brooke with another roll up for a two followed up monkey flip but Jade counters with a drop kick. Jade with forearms and knees to the face. Jade attacks Brooke on the outside and Marti clothesline Brooke while the refee had his back turned. Marti throws her back in the ring. Jade covers three different attempts for a two count.  Jade with knees before Brooke tries to fight back. Flying hair mares by Jade but Brooke counters with a schoolgirl for two count. Jade with a super kick and another in the corner. Diving lariat off the second rope by Brooke. Jade with a chick kick for two count. Scoop slam and a lionsault miss for Jade and Brooke gets a face buster for a two count after Marti put Jade’s foot on the rope. Jade accidentally kick Marti on the apron giving Brooke the opening for her TessShocker for the win.

After coming back from commercial we see Brooke and Rebel celebrating backstage. Brooke leaves to take a shower and The Dollhouse walks up. They push Rebel around while asking if she wanted to celebrate before attacking her with strikes leaving her knocked out from a kick by Jade. The Dollhouse put a jaw breaker in Rebel mouth and leaves.

Related Links: TNA Related > Digitals > 2015 > June 3rd, 2015

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 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – May 29th, 2015
TNA Impact Wrestling Results – May 29th, 2015
  May 30th, 2015    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized


Knockouts Championship Match: Steel Cage Taryn Terrell (c) (w/ Jade & Marti Bell) vs. Gail Kim

Gail is out first followed by The Dollhouse who starts out on top of the stage posing with a doll house. They make their way to the ring and Gail comes out of the gate and attack Terrell. Jade & Marti tries stop Gail from closing the gate but get taken down. Gail and Taryn goes back and forth with strikes. Jade interferes by reaching through the camera hole grabbing Gail’s hair, which allows Terrell to take the advantage. Gail counters a cutter and starts to gain some offense. Gail with a crossbody for a two count. Gail goes to climb up the cage and escape, but The Dollhouse climbs up from the outside and Marti pushes Gail down to the ring. Gail get up and Terrell hits the cutter for the win.

After the match, Terrell clotheslines Earl Hebner and shuts the cage again with The Dollhouse and Gail inside. Awesome Kong comes out for the rescue but The Dollhouse lock Kong out of the cage. Kong watches from outside the cage as Jade and Marti slams Gail into the cage. Terrell removes Gail’s wedding ring and attempts to break Gail’s hand by stomping on it. After the beat down The Dollhouse pose with the championship.

Related Links: TNA Related > Digitals > TNA Impact Wrestling > 2015 > May 29th, 2015

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