Knockouts Tag Team Match Preview
Knockouts Tag Team Match Preview
  February 13th, 2016    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

The Beautiful People and The Dollhouse have grown to hate each other. The Dollhouse formed in 2015 to assist former Knockout Taryn Terrell. The group terrorized all other Knockouts on Tuesday nights, that is until The Beautiful People returned to Impact! Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky and Angelina Love returned to dismantle that version of The Dollhouse. Now, The Dollhouse consist of Rebel, Marti Bell and Jade and two of them will face Madison Rayne and Gail Kim on Tuesday night!

Why Gail Kim? Well, first, Velvet Sky was taken out a few weeks ago by The Dollhouse and Madison Rayne was forced to go at it alone against Jade and that lead to what looked like a Madison Rayne beatdown by the entire Dollhouse. Gail Kim was there to even the odds and now Gail and Madison will fight side by side against their rivals.

Gail Kim is the current Knockouts Champion and the very first Knockouts Champion. Madison Rayne is a 5x Knockouts Champion. These two are like an All-Star Team that will look to tear apart The Dollhouse. Who will be victorious on Tuesday night?

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 TNA IMPACT Wrestling Results – Febuaury 9th, 2016
  February 10th, 2016    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

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Madison Rayne vs Jade

Madison rushes the ring, goes after Jade, and spears her out to the floor. Jade powwows with the other members of the Dollhouse, so Madison takes them all out with a dive. Jade drills her with a martial arts kick as they come back inside, then unloads with more kicks. Jade gets a bow and arrow, but Madison rolls onto Jade for 2, then Jade takes control right back with a dropkick to the face. Madison hits a step-up enziguiri to turn the tide, hits a sliding clothesline in the corner, then comes off the top with a bodypress for 2. Madison knocks Rebel and Marti off the apron, Jade gets a rollup for 2, then hits the package piledriver for the win.

The Dollhouse puts the boots to Madison after the match, and Marti brings a chair into the ring, but before they can do anything, Gail takes out all three members of the Dollhouse by herself.

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 Knockouts Match Preview: Jade Vs Madison Rayne
Knockouts Match Preview: Jade Vs Madison Rayne
  February 6th, 2016    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

The issues between The Beautiful People and The Dollhouse have been growing for quite some time. These two factions simply do not get along and likely never will. It has lead to some of the most intense battles we have ever witnessed between The Knockouts in Impact Wrestling.

This upcoming Tuesday night it will be Madison Rayne of The Beautiful People clashing with Jade of The Dollhouse. Rumor has it, Velvet Sky will not make it to Manchester, England for the first leg of The Impact UK Tour, so Madison will be forced to deal with The Dollhouse all on her own.

Will The Dollhouse win this chapter in the bitter rivalry? Can Madison Rayne overcome a numbers disadvantage? Find out Tuesday night!

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 TNA IMPACT Wrestling Results – January 19th, 2016
  January 20th, 2016    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

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Knockout’s Title Match

Gail Kim defeated Awesome Kong (w/ The Dollhouse) after throwing Jade off the top rope onto Kong and rolling her up for the win. At one point The Beautiful People came and took out Rebel and Marti.

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 TNA IMPACT Wrestling Results – January 12th, 2016
  January 13th, 2016    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

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The Beautiful People, Dollhouse and Awesome Kong Backstage Segment:

Marti Bell says that the Knockouts Division needed a shakeup, and they showed they are stronger than ever, and they have Kong to thank for that. Kong asks if everyone hates her, then says good, because these girls, this house, it’s his house, and she does what she wants with who she wants. She going to hurt Gail because she’s got something she wants. The Beautiful People come in to tell Kong not to worry about Gail, they should worry about the Beautiful People instead. Velvet wants to kick Kong’s ass, and Madison says they don’t need to attack anyone from behind, they can do it right now. The Beautiful People, Dollhouse and Kong proceed to brawl and Velvet and Madison are laid out.

Awesome Kong & Jade w/The Dollhouse vs. The Beautiful People in a Street Fight

The Beautiful People, Jade and Kong brawl on the ramp before the match starts. Jade whips Velvet into the ring steps as Kong chokes Madison on the ropes inside the ring. Jade is tossing the usual array of hardcore stuff like kendo sticks and trash cans into the ring. Jade wedges a chair in the corner and then slams a trash can lid into Rayne back as Kong has her up in a choke.

Rayne avoids a Lionsault from Jade and a corner avalanche from Kong, and Velvet goes to work on Kong with the chair before laying Jade out with clotheslines. Velvet bulldogs Jade on the chair and then the Beautiful People take Rebel and Marti out with kendo sticks when they try to get involved. The Beautiful People turns the sticks on Kong, and Madison connects with a missile dropkick for a two count. Kong with shoulder chops and Jade hits a cradle piledriver to Madison for the win.

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