Knockout’s Title Match Preview
Knockout’s Title Match Preview
  March 2nd, 2016    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

Jade pinned Gail at Lethal Lockdown. Tonight on IMPACT Gail Kim was preoccupied with Maria, and while she had her back turned Jade took advantage. Jade blindsided Gail Kim and left her laying on the IMPACT arena ramp while Jade held the Knockouts Title mocking Gail. Now Jade has a title match versus Gail Kim. Can Jade win when the Knockouts Title is on the line?

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 IMPACT Wrestling Results – March 1st, 2016
IMPACT Wrestling Results – March 1st, 2016
  March 2nd, 2016    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

Gail Kim calls out Maria. They talk Maria’s actions last week and how they should solve it all in the ring. Maria turns down Gail. Gail goes after Maria and out comes Jade from the crowd to attack Gail from behind. Jade with a spinning kick to Gail on the stage. Jade then lay Gail out with the Knockout’s Title. Jade tells Gail that she’s found a fight and she’s coming for what’s her’s. Jade holds the Knockout’s Title up in the air and walks away.

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 Shine 33 Live IPPV Results – February 26th, 2016
  February 27th, 2016    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

Mia Yim versus. Luscious Latasha

Latasha dances around before locking up with Mia as Mia acknoweldges that she is better than Leva. They lock up and Mia sends Latasha to the mat. They lock up again and Mia sends Latasha to the mat again. Latasha with a side head lock but Mia with a hip lock take down and an axe kick to the back for a near fall. Mia with a kick to the chest and then a kick to the back. Mia chokes Latasha in the ropes while Mia blames this on Leva. The referee and Mia have a discussion about the rules as it relates to rope breaks. Mia with a chop. Mia misses a chop and Latasha with chops of her own. Mia pushes Latasha back and Mia with a series of kicks.

Mia chokes Latasha with her knee and the referee warns her. Mia sets for a suplex and she gets Latasha up and sends her down to the mat and gets a near fall. Mia with a forearm but Latasha fires back. Mia with a forearm that sends Latasha back to the mat. Latasha with a neck breaker and she gets a near fall. Mia with a kick to the back of the head. Mia with a gutwrench suplex and she gets a near fall. Latasha gets a rollup with a near fall but Mia with a kick to the head. Mia walks across Latasha’s chest and then she gets a near fall. Mia with a camel clutch. Mia slams Latasha’s head to the mat.

Mia tosses Latasha across the ring by the hair. Mia stands on the midsection in the corner and the referee warns Mia one more time. Mia chokes Latasha in the corner one more time. Latasha with forearms but Mia with a chop and Latasha goes down. Mia gets a near fall and she blames her inability to win so far on the color of her pants. Mia kicks Latasha in the head as she sends her into the corner and Mia chokes Latasha in the ropes. Mia sends Latasha into the turnbuckles. Mia with a choke and then she argues with the referee over the rules. Latasha with a kick and forearm followed by another kick and forearm. Latasha with more forearms but Mia with a thrust kick.

Mia with a Jericho cover but she cannot put her away. Mia with a Boston Crab and Latasha tries to get to the ropes but Mia turns it into a single leg crab. Latasha gets to the ropes and Mia releases the hold. Mia with a Yakuza Kick and she hits a hesitation double knee strike followed by a cannonball. Mia gets a near fall. Mia with a back fist and she tries for a German suplex but Latasha with a victory roll for a near fall. Latasha with a drop kick but she misses a second one when Mia moves. Mia with a super kick for a near fall. Mia with a Saito suplex for a near fall. Mia sets for the package piledriver and Leva’s music plays so she releases the hold and a number of people wearing masks surround the ring. Mia with a suicide dive onto one of them and she goes to the entrance as the referee gets to ten.

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 TNA IMPACT Wrestling Results – February 23rd, 2016
TNA IMPACT Wrestling Results – February 23rd, 2016
  February 24th, 2016    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized

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The Dollhouse vs Gail Kim, Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne

Jade and Gail start us off, with a quick brawl. Gail with a flying headscissors followed up with an arm drag. Jade misses a corner strike but nails a headscissors take down, then hits Gail with a series of stiff kicks to the chest. Gail ducks one and connects with a kick to Jade’s back, and both girls climb up to try and grab some of the weapons hanging at the top. They both tumble to the mat at the same time, they get up and knock each other out with a double clothesline as we go to commercial.

We’re back as Gail boots Jade in the face and unloads with hard forearms and a running clothesline. The clock counts down, and Marti Bell is in next. She stomps Gail down in the corner, then she and Jade work Gail over until the clock counts down again and Velvet Sky comes in and take out Marti and Jade. Velvet bulldogs Marti and works her over with kicks in the corner, while the clock counts down to Rebel entering last to complete the Dollhouse team, and she hits some impressive kicks and takedowns. She climbs up, gets a pan, and hits Gail with it, then whips Jade and Marti into Velvet in the corner before hitting a springboard elbow of her own. The clock counts down for the final entry, Maria Kanellis runs down in her ring gear…then shakes her head and walks off, locking the door behind her and leaves Velvet and Gail to fight off The Dollhouse. Velvet tries to fight back on her own as Gail is down in the corner, and she buys enough time for Gail to recover and join in the fight. They double flapjack Jade off the top rope, beat on Rebel with kendo sticks, and then Marti comes out and lays them both out with a pan. Marti gets a chair, but Gail kneesmashes her face before she can use it, then hits Eat DaFeet on Rebel. She makes a cover, Jade breaks it up at 2 with a kendo stick, and gives Gail a package piledriver on a chair for the win.

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 TNA IMPACT Wrestling Results – February 16th, 2016
  February 17th, 2016    Posted by: Admin  /   Uncategorized


Gail Kim & Madison Rayne vs Jade and Marti Bell

Gail and Madison comes to the ring but Jade and Marti get an early advantage on Gail and Madison. Jade with a middle rope dive through the second rope. Marti inside the ring with a Samoan drop on Gail. Jade tags in and continues the attack before she counters Gail’s flying armbar into a gutbuster. Marti tags back in and stomps Gail in the corner. Jade back in, boots Madison off the apron, and Marti and Jade do a double team move before Jade goes for a package piledriver. Gail counters and knocks Jade down with a clothesline. Tag to Madison, and she take down Marti and hits the sitout DDT for 2. Rebel and Gail are going at it on the floor, Gail dodge Jade flying dive with a forearm and Madison reverses Marti roll up into another roll up for the win.

After the match The Dollhouse attacks Gail and Madison from behind, but Velvet Sky runs in and clears the ring out by herself. She says she’s tired of the “Doghouse” sticking their ugly noses in their business, and challenges them to a first time ever Knockouts Lethal Lockdown.

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