Xavier Woods vs. T-Bar w/Retribution
T-Bar runs over Woods. Woods locks up, T-Bar runs over Woods again. Woods tries to fire up but T-Bar destroys him with a lariat. Woods fires up and hits a dropkick off the top that sends T-Bar flying out of the ring. Baseballs slide by Woods. After a distraction by Ali, T-Bar tries to rip Woods’ arm out of the socket. T-Bar hits Eyes Wide Shut for the win.
Winner- T-Bar
Ricochet vs. Mustafa Ali w/Retribution
Ricochet lights Ali up with chop after chop. Bodyslam followed by an elbow drop by Ricochet. Ali kicks out. Big back body drop by Ricochet. Ali trips Ricochet into the middle rope. Flying neck breaker by Ali. After a distraction, Mace and T-Bar launch Ricochet into the barricade. After the break, Ali drops Ricochet with a backstabber. Ricochet kicks out. Ali continues his assault. Ali taunts Ricochet, demanding Ricochet join them. Ricochet does a backflip and German suplex Ali. Ricochet turns Ali inside out with a discus clothesline. Ricochet hits the KickBack. Ricochet tries to pin Ali, but Mace pulls Ali out of the ring. Ricochet takes out every member of Retribution. Ricochet tries a shooting star press but Ali gets his knees up. Ali locks Ricochet in the Koji Clutch. Ricochet passes out.
Winner- Mustafa Ali
After the match, Ali tells Ricochet to join him. Ricochet says no and hits the Recoil on Ali. Ricochet escapes the ring, avoiding the rest of Retribution.
Ricochet vs. T-Bar w/Retribution
T-Bar tosses Ricochet all over the ring. After a distraction from Ali and Co., T-Bar hits the finisher formerly called Feast Your Eyes on Ricochet for the win.
Winner- T-Bar
T-Bar grabs a mic and tells Ricochet they arent his enemy. Ricochet needs to join them.
Ricochet vs. Mace w/Retribution
Ricochet slaps Mace. Mace sends Ricochet into the corner Mace floors Ricochet with a sidekick. Once Ricochet gets the upper hand, multiple members of Retribituion try to interfere. Ricochet fights them off but Mace hits his finish for the win.
Winner- Mace
Slapjack and Reckoning w/Mustfa Ali vs. Ricochet and Dana Brooke
Brooke tackles Reckoning as soon as the bell rings. Reckoning boots Brooke in the face. Reckoning tags in Slapjack. Ricochet dumps Slapjack out of the ring. Ricochet lands a dive. Ricochet sends Slapjack back into the ring. Slapjack hits a falcon arrow. Brooke tags in and hits her finish on Reckoning for the win…
Winners- Ricochet and Dana Brooke
After the match, Ali berates Reckoning for loosing again.