Back in the ring is Allie with the Knockouts and she introduces The Knockouts leader, Maria. Maria apologizes to the knockouts for making them feel insecure and inferior. She then opens it up for questions from The Knockouts. Allie kisses up to Maria and asks Maria, How they can be more like her?…. Marti Bell and Jade start yelling at each other. Gail Kim takes the mic and states that even though she deserves a knockout title match. She realizes that Maria won’t give it to her. Gail then says Maria has faked her hand injury and has avoided facing her. The Knockouts champ, Sienna defends Maria. Maria calls Gail Kim selfish and that she should step aside for the other women. Maria tells Gail that if she wants another shot at the title, She has to beat every one of the knockouts in the ring. She also tells the knockouts that she is offering an additional bonus to any woman that beats Gail. Marti Bell and Jade get into a fight and battle to the outside. Madison Rayne attacks Gail Kim from behind. She grabs the mic and says she has to start looking out for herself as the segment ends