Rosemary vs. JadeRosemary charges at Jade to start the match. They end up on the outside of the cage, because the cage door had not been shut yet. Rosemary grabs a trash can and throws it, and Jade back into the ring. Jade starts to fight back with a variation of different kicks. Knocks down Rosemary and then hits a gut wrench suplex. Goes for an early cover but Rosemary kicks out. Go to commercial
Back from the break, Jade is still in control. She hits a flying head scissors on Rosemary. She then goes back to kicking Rosemary repeatedly. Jade charges at Rosemary in the corner. Rosemary pretends to spew mist at her. Jade ducks and Rosemary hits with her a high knee. Rosemary then mounts Jade and grounds, and pounds her. Shen then connects with a lariat on Jade. Rosemary then tries to ram Jade’s head into the steel cage, but Jade battles back briefly before getting hit with another lariat by Rosemary. She then grabs Jade’s head and rakes her face against the steel cage. Rosemary continues to beat down Jade and even licks her. Jade attempts to rally, goes back to her kicks but Rosemary counters and suplexes her into the cage. Rosemary then grabs the trash can and sets it next to Jade’s head in the corner. Rosemary heads to the top rope.
Jade recovers and meets her up there. Jade ends up hitting a hurricanrana on Rosemary. She starts building up some momentum. Picks up Rosemary in a choke hold, rams her against the cage and then slams her down. Covers her for a 2 count. Rosemary and Jade are back on their feet. Rosemary counters Jade and hits a german suplex. They both end up climbing the cage together. Jade knocks Rosemary down. Then she heads to the top of the cage. Jade hits a flying cross body on Rosemary off the top of the steel cage. Jade covers Rosemary but she kicks out. Jade attempts to finish off Rosemary. She goes to the top rope to attempt a 450 splash. Rosemary rises and spews mist into Jade’s eyes. Rosemary then hits the “Red Wedding” on Jade and pins her.