The issues between The Beautiful People and The Dollhouse have been growing for quite some time. These two factions simply do not get along and likely never will. It has lead to some of the most intense battles we have ever witnessed between The Knockouts in Impact Wrestling.
This upcoming Tuesday night it will be Madison Rayne of The Beautiful People clashing with Jade of The Dollhouse. Rumor has it, Velvet Sky will not make it to Manchester, England for the first leg of The Impact UK Tour, so Madison will be forced to deal with The Dollhouse all on her own.
Will The Dollhouse win this chapter in the bitter rivalry? Can Madison Rayne overcome a numbers disadvantage? Find out Tuesday night!
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The Beautiful People, Dollhouse and Awesome Kong Backstage Segment:
Marti Bell says that the Knockouts Division needed a shakeup, and they showed they are stronger than ever, and they have Kong to thank for that. Kong asks if everyone hates her, then says good, because these girls, this house, it’s his house, and she does what she wants with who she wants. She going to hurt Gail because she’s got something she wants. The Beautiful People come in to tell Kong not to worry about Gail, they should worry about the Beautiful People instead. Velvet wants to kick Kong’s ass, and Madison says they don’t need to attack anyone from behind, they can do it right now. The Beautiful People, Dollhouse and Kong proceed to brawl and Velvet and Madison are laid out.
Awesome Kong & Jade w/The Dollhouse vs. The Beautiful People in a Street Fight
The Beautiful People, Jade and Kong brawl on the ramp before the match starts. Jade whips Velvet into the ring steps as Kong chokes Madison on the ropes inside the ring. Jade is tossing the usual array of hardcore stuff like kendo sticks and trash cans into the ring. Jade wedges a chair in the corner and then slams a trash can lid into Rayne back as Kong has her up in a choke.
Rayne avoids a Lionsault from Jade and a corner avalanche from Kong, and Velvet goes to work on Kong with the chair before laying Jade out with clotheslines. Velvet bulldogs Jade on the chair and then the Beautiful People take Rebel and Marti out with kendo sticks when they try to get involved. The Beautiful People turns the sticks on Kong, and Madison connects with a missile dropkick for a two count. Kong with shoulder chops and Jade hits a cradle piledriver to Madison for the win.
Gauntlet Match to Determine a New #1 Contender: Awesome Kong, Velvet Sky, Jade, Marti Belle, Rebel, Madison Rayne, Chelsea Green, Deonna Purazzo
Madison and Jade started the match and Rebel was out after they went at it for a few minutes. Rayne was double teamed as they tried to eliminate her. Chelsea came down and evened the odds. Marti Belle was out next followed by Deonna. Rebel was eliminated after Chelsea pushed her off the top. Kong was out next and she attacked all but The Dollhouse. Kong eliminated Deonna and then Chelsea before Velvet came out. Velvet unloaded on Jade and Belle. Rayne eliminated Belle and Kong eliminated Velvet. Rayne eliminated Jade as it came down to Kong and Rayne. They went at it in a regular match and Kong got the win after a spinning backfist and the Implant Buster.
JB tries to interview Kong backstage but The Dollhouse won’t let him. Kong warns Gail Kim that she’s coming for the title and says The Dollhouse will be a force to reckon with under her guidance
The Dollhouse vs the Beautiful People & Gail Kim
Gail and Jade start us off, then Velvet and Marti tag in, and it’s all Gail and the BPs. Madison tags in and drills Marti with a dropkick, then Rebel tags in and Madison goes to town on her too. Rebel gets Madison in a pretty unique surfboard-style stretch, then Jade tags in just as Madison tags out to Gail. Gail cleans house on Jade and hits a tornado DDT for 2, then all the girls come in and hit one move after another until it boils down to Gail and Jade. Jade nearly pins Gail on a couple of spots, but Gail gets an O’Connor roll for the win.
The Dollhouse attacks Gail and the Beautiful People after the match, but then Awesome Kong comes out, teases that she’s going to attack the Dollhouse, thenlays the Beautiful People out before flattening Gail with the Implant Buster. Kong stands tall with the Beautiful People as we go to commercial.