Taryn Terrell talks to Marti and Jade in a segment backstage. She says she has a plan to crush The Beautiful People.
The Dollhouse vs Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne
The girls start fighting right away. There’s brawling all over the place. Velvelt hits a splash on Marti. Velvet gets a 2 off of a running clothesline. Madison gets in and does after Marti with slaps and kicks. Jade gets in and smashes Rayne’s head in the buckles. Madison fights back with a dropkick. Velvet gets back in the ring. She hits some kicks and a neckbreaker for the two. She smashes Jade into the buckles. Madison tags in in. Marti is in the ring too. Rebel throws powder into Madison’s eyes and blinds her. Marti picks up the win with the schoolboy.
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Taryn does a promo. She talks about The Dollhouse fighting The Beautiful People and taking out Angelina Love last week. She then tells Jade that she’s going after Gail next because she is her favorite. She tells Marti and Rebel it’s time for them to prove their worth.
Knockouts Title Match: Gail Kim vs Jade
Jade start things off with a big boot to start the match. Jade chokes Kim in the corner with her leg. Kim with a hurricanronna. Jade reversed a sunset flip attempt into a German suplex for a two count. Kim in the corner and takes multiple chops from Jade. Jade with a corner senton flip but Kim moves out the way. Kim with a few clotheslines followed by a figure four leglock using the ring post. Back in the ring, Kim goes for another hurricanronna but Jade counters into a power bomb for a two count. Jade goes for a top rope missile drop kick but Kim moves out the way. Jade counters Kim twisting head scissor but Kim reverses and hit Eat Defeat to retain her title.
After the match, Marti and Rebel attacked Kim but Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne made the save. Awesome Kong made her way to the ring and had a staredown with Kim.
Intergender Match – Greg Excellent (w/Chrissy Rivera) defeated Mia Yim via underhook piledriver.
The C.U.N.T defeated Jade and Marti Belle via Kimber Lee pinning Jade.