Wonder of STARDOM Title match: Io Shirai def. Mia Yim to retain the title with a moonsault.
Category: Uncategorized
Volume 78
Nicole Matthews def. Mia Yim with the Vancouver Manoeuvre.
Volume 79
Shazza McKenzie def. Allysin Kay, Mia Yim and Veda Scott by hitting the Shazza Driver on Veda.
Volume 76
Mia Yim def. Kellyanne English with a package piledriver.
Volume 77
#1 Contenders’ SHIMMER Tag Title tournament: Tessa Blanchard & Vanessa Kraven def. Mia Yim & Leva Bates when Kraven hits Mia with a chokebomb.
Marti Bell, Ray Lynn, Tessa Blanchard and Veda Scott def. Allysin Kay, Annie Social, Heidi Lovelace and Mia Yim when Veda pins Annie.
Leva Bates & Mia Yim def. Rhia O’Reilly & Sammi Baynz (w/ Saraya Knight) when Sammi is hit by a superkick from Leva and a package piledriver from Mia.